Why Work With A Colorist?
"Who would possibly know me better than me....?"
That's what I used to think, until I discovered the power and magic of working with a "Colorist", and the seasonal archetypes, designed & created by the greatest Artist of all....Mother Nature.
My line is contemporary in design style, though as a rule, I don't follow style trends, instead using colors and styles that work in harmony with a woman's natural skintone, eye color, haircolor and bodytypes.
My collaboration with master Colorist Jennifer Butler, since 2011, has revolutionized my color stories into the FOUR seasonal Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter palettes from Mother Nature, and style silhouettes that complement the human figure.
Since we all strive to be ‘seen’ as individuals, knowing your best colors and styling is the start of creating one's authentic self.
It’s not a question of whether it’s ‘in fashion or outta fashion’, but which colors & styles bring out your best individual authentic beauty.
We all get dressed everyday…and, whether you like it or not, you are "what you wear" - it’s the first thing people see.
Visual communication speaks louder than words, so it's important to make that communication intentional to avoid miscommunication.
Now I create seasonal colors within each collection, offering a color for each season, called "colors FOUR all seasons".
Since choosing what colors to wear, is not a random act, as each color has its own 'vibrational' force and meaning, knowing which colors communicate best for you, with your seasonal archetype and personality traits, is why working with a Colorist guides you to your best self!
Working with a Colorist means....no longer having a closet full of 'nothing to wear', waste money on clothes not meant for you, and all in creating a harmonious relationship between yourself, your clothing, with inner & outer congruency in the world.
Kind of a sweet package...
Once you have worked with a Colorist, and your seasonal & personal palette has been designated, finding 'your' colors become second nature, and takes the 'stressing outta dressing', saving time and feeling confident that you are showing up in the world authentically and comfortable in your own skin.
I am committed to being a woman’s best mirror when she looks into herself with the power of self-knowledge, using clothing as a personal statement & tool that expresses an intimate part of who she is as an individual for better communication-visually and non-verbally...all while looking & feeling FANTASTIC!
...and I hope that working with either my 'selected' Colorists below, or one of your own, will b part and add to your colorful journey in "knowing thyself" - Socrates
No, Everyone Does NOT Look Good in Black . . .
I’ve had the pleasure of photographing the Donna•M line since 2006. I’ve always enjoyed seeing the beautiful styles and colors Donna comes up with each season. In 2013, an amazing thing happened. Donna called and said she wasn’t bringing professional models to her next photo shoot. She had started working with a personal color consultant – Jennifer Butler - and planned to bring regular women whose inherent hair, skin, and eye colors were appropriate to what she was producing that season. I didn’t know what to expect. But, the shoot was amazing and the women looked incredible in the clothes. One of the gals brought her husband along to the shoot. In between shots I asked him – so . . . did you have your colors done? To which he responded, “Oh yes, ever since I had my colors done, I’m like the go-to guy in business meetings!” Hmmm . . . I thought, interesting. After shooting a couple more seasons using regular women in their correct colors, it finally dawned on me that, after wearing all black for probably 25 or more years, I actually did NOT look good in black. I decided to have my colors done by Jennifer Butler, after which a light bulb went off in my head. OMG – this makes so much sense! Physiologically your DNA determines which hair, skin, and eye colors you have. Why wouldn’t it make sense to harmonize what you wear with your inherent coloring? When you decorate your house, you harmonize the upholstery the rugs, pillows, walls, etc. One of the main effects of choosing clothing colors harmonious with your inherent coloring is to cause people to look at your face and into your eyes (as opposed to just looking at your clothing). Wearing harmonious colors is more flattering, makes you look relaxed, and makes you feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin. There will also be power in your presence, you look more credible, strong, and successful. Conversely, wearing non-harmonious colors is like wearing camouflage – and you tend to feel INVISIBLE! I’m a Summer! Definitely no black for me. Yet, there I was with a closet full of black clothes. I kept a few black things – to wear working out or around the house. But, after finally understanding what and why certain colors worked for me and others did not, every time I put on those black clothes – even for just around the house, I had to take them off – they did not look good. How did I not know this for 25 years of wearing all black outfits? Crazy.
- Ilene Kulk,